Dr. Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in a poor family, living in a one-room cabin near the Appalachian town of Pound in Southwest Virginia, USA.

Hill's mother died when he was nine years old. Two years later, his father remarried a lady named Martha, who was also a widow then. Hill was brought up by his stepmother, who was concerned about his education. She sent him to school to complete his education and bought him a typewriter when he was thirteen, in exchange for him to giving up his six-shooter and the wild life activity.

In the autumn of 1908, young Napoleon became a newspaper reporter for Bob Taylor's Magazine. His first assignment was to write "success stories” of famous Americans. However, the very first assignment that Bob Taylor gave Napoleon Hill, had completely changed his life's direction.

The incredible story of achievement began when Dr. Napoleon Hill, then 25, interviewed Andrew Carnegie, founder of United States Steel Corporation. Andrew Carnegie then was one of the richest men in the world.

The arranged three-hour interview, which Carnegie has promised Hill, became a three-day interview .The grand old man of the giant steel industrial leader reversed the idea for the interview and had instead interviewed the young reporter. It was during these three days that Andrew Carnegie attempted to sell Hill on the idea of compiling the world's first layman's success philosophy from interviews with other successful business men and entrepreneurs. Carnegie’s only promise was to support the endeavor with letters of introduction and payment of travel expenses. Financially Hill would have to stand alone. Would he accept the challenge?

Silence filled the room. The young reporter did not speak for 29 seconds... and then he gave the answer with a direct “Yes!”. Carnegie was holding in his hand a stopwatch, and that if Hill had hesitated for over 60 seconds, the chance to pursue the challenge would no longer have been his. Carnegie believed that men who are slow to decide will also be the type who will face the risks of not reaching long-term goals.

From this research, he published an eight volume set of books in 1928 entitled The Law of Success and later on the renowned Think and Grow Rich. Since the release of the book The Think and Grow Rich in 1937, countless millionaires and billionaires have used Napoleon's work to achieve success and lead a rich life. The books were regarded as the best selling self-help (personal development) books of all time and were sold over 120 million copies worldwide and translated into 100+ languages. Dr. Hill is regarded as The Kingmaker of Millionaires and one of the most influential thinkers of the century. His success philosophy had inspired many great entrepreneurs such as Norman Vincent Peale, author of Positive Thinking, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, author of Chicken Soup for The Soul, Anthony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Mary Kay Ash and countless individual all around the world.


Each of the 504 men was backed by an average of 50 years' experience. Collectively they covered the spectrum of American business, industry and the arts. Out of their total of some 25,000 years of collective experience by trial and error, Dr. Napoleon Hill organized the SCIENCE OF SUCCESS.

The task required the collaboration of more than 500 top-ranking American men who had attained both fame and fortune from their achievements. This alliance of American statesmen and distinguished leaders include:

Theodore Roosevelt: President of the United States

William Howard Taft: President of the United States

Henry Ford: Founder, Ford Motor Company Dr. Alexandra Graham Bell: Founder, Bell Telephone Co.

William Wrigley Jr.: Founder, William Wrigley Jr. Co.

Thomas A. Edison: American Greatest Inventor

John Wanamaker: Founder, Wanamaker Dept. Stores.

George Eastman: Founder Eastman Kodak Co.

Charles Schwab: President of United States Steel Corporation.

John Rockefeller: Founder, Standard Oil Co. F.W. Woolworth: Founder Woolworth Co. Colonel Robert. A. Dollar: Founder, Dollar Steamship Lines

Luther Burbank: American Botanist King C. Gillette: Founder, The Gillette Co.

JP Morgan Sr. Builder of "House of Morgan, one of the world's largest banking institution.

Harvey Firestone: Founder, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.

Judge Elbert H. Gary: American Steel Manufacturer and Lawyer.

Elbert Hubbard: American Author Wilbur & Orville,

The Wright Brothers Edwin C. Barnes (Thomas Edison partner) Elmer R. Gates (American scientist and inventor)

George Safford Parker: Founder, Parker Pen Co.

And over 480 more great inventor, scientist, entrepreneur and leaders in many other areas.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill