The task required the collaboration of more than 500 top-ranking American men who had attained both fame and fortune from their achievements. This alliance of American statesmen and distinguished leaders include:
Theodore Roosevelt: President of the United States
William Howard Taft: President of the United States
Henry Ford: Founder, Ford Motor Company Dr. Alexandra Graham Bell: Founder, Bell Telephone Co.
William Wrigley Jr.: Founder, William Wrigley Jr. Co.
Thomas A. Edison: American Greatest Inventor
John Wanamaker: Founder, Wanamaker Dept. Stores.
George Eastman: Founder Eastman Kodak Co.
Charles Schwab: President of United States Steel Corporation.
John Rockefeller: Founder, Standard Oil Co. F.W. Woolworth: Founder Woolworth Co. Colonel Robert. A. Dollar: Founder, Dollar Steamship Lines
Luther Burbank: American Botanist King C. Gillette: Founder, The Gillette Co.
JP Morgan Sr. Builder of "House of Morgan, one of the world's largest banking institution.
Harvey Firestone: Founder, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
Judge Elbert H. Gary: American Steel Manufacturer and Lawyer.
Elbert Hubbard: American Author Wilbur & Orville,
The Wright Brothers Edwin C. Barnes (Thomas Edison partner) Elmer R. Gates (American scientist and inventor)
George Safford Parker: Founder, Parker Pen Co.
And over 480 more great inventor, scientist, entrepreneur and leaders in many other areas.